Integrative Chakra Therapy® in a Nutshell Review Series
Please scroll down to see subsequent workshops in this series
These review workshops are intended to support the ongoing practice of students and practitioners of Integrative Chakra Therapy®. By further reviewing and discussing these aspects together, sharing our experiences and questions, we create for ourselves a further understanding and provide opportunity for a greater enriching growth and embodiment of our healing practice.

Focus of content in this workshop will be as follows, with more time delegated to those topics which each group feels they need most. Thus the flow of each workshop will be somewhat unique. Please give feedback upon registration if there is any particular area(s) you wish to spend more time on or want to be sure we don't miss in our review to make sure we cover what you need!
Discussing/clarifying the 4 archetypes
Practising/clarifying our work with the biofields and their relation to what's going on with the chakras
Quantitative vs Qualitative reality
Protection vs Availability
Majority of our time will be digging deeper into chakras; attributes; interpretations; dominance; references; reciprocity; representation through relationship; and psychology of the chakras; We will also include discussing Dr J's additions to the chakra attributes since 'Eye of the Lotus' was originally written, as well as higher and lower aspects of the 1st and 7th chakras
Afternoon experiential practice with each other (or public) that focuses our work and assessments on the topics we reviewed

This is a course review and thus limited to only: Registered Students or Graduates of Integrative Chakra Therapy® or Spiritual Healers Training for the Whole Human Being, through Light News Institute who have at least completed Levels 1-6.
Attendees are invited to bring your insights and thoughts to share with each other in enriching discussion. We've all been practising for some time since originally studying this training, and thus gathering much wisdom and practical experience on these topics. These practical stories and epiphanies we each have, provide valuable insight and clarity for each other as we share wisdom and comprehension among ourselves!
The experiential practice portion with the group, with work and assessments focusing on the topics/skills we’ve covered, is an essential part of this workshop. Attendees in person as well as online are asked to participate in practice.
Attending this workshop will qualify you for 6 hours towards your Integrative Chakra Therapy® required practicum hours log for achieving your Practitioner Certification.
In Person or online by ZOOM
~Address of location/or Zoom link for online access will be emailed to you when your registration and payment is confirmed.
Please register by 72 hours before workshop start.
Link to register is found HERE. Fill out and submit this form and send e-transfer for $80 to bev@sagetraditions.net , or email Bev at same address to arrange credit card or cash payments.

Focus of content in this workshop will be as follows, with more time delegated to those topics which each group feels they need most. Thus the flow of each workshop will be somewhat unique. Please give feedback upon registration if there is any particular area(s) you wish to spend more time on or want to be sure we don't miss in our review to make sure we cover what you need!
Out of Body & Remote Healing: Exploration in further depth of these methods and discussion of your experiences in your practice
Spiritual Laws: Further exploration of the particular laws as pertaining to the energy balancing practice
Ethics in Healing: Opportunity to discuss healer/patient relationship and the moral/ethical implications of spiritual healing.
Attachments Part 1: A review and discussion on working with and removing Tube attachments
Attachments Part 2: A review and discussion on working with and removal of Entity attachments
Axialtonal Alignment: Further exploration and discussion of the method of aligning the chakras in the physical, astral and causal levels

This is a course review and thus limited to only: Registered Students or Graduates of Integrative Chakra Therapy® or Spiritual Healers Training for the Whole Human Being, through Light News Institute, who have at least completed training Levels 7-12.
Attendees are invited to bring your insights and thoughts to share with each other in enriching discussion. We've all been practising for some time since originally studying this training, and thus gathering much wisdom and practical experience on these topics. These practical stories and epiphanies we each have, provide valuable insight and clarity for each other as we share wisdom and comprehension among ourselves!
The experiential practice portion with the group, with work and assessments focusing on the topics/skills we’ve covered, is an essential part of this workshop. Attendees in person as well as online are asked to participate in practice.
Attending this workshop will qualify you for 6 hours towards your Integrative Chakra Therapy® required practicum hours log for achieving your Practitioner Certification.
In Person or online by ZOOM
~Address of location/or Zoom link for online access will be emailed to you when your registration and payment is confirmed.
Please register by 72 hours before workshop start.
Next workshop runs from 10 am - 5:30 pm MT, on March 28, 2020
Live Online only - via ZOOM
Link to register is found HERE. Fill out and submit this form and send e-transfer for $80 to bev@sagetraditions.net , or email Bev at same address to arrange credit card or cash payments.