Lending Library
Access to our extensive lending library is reserved for clients only. To utilize it, a refundable membership must be purchased ($40) which serves as a deposit toward any loss or damage*. It is fully refunded when you are finished with your books and return them in good condition. Doula clients have free access to our library upon signing a contract of hire.
Books/videos may be checked out for 2 week periods, extending to a total of 8 weeks maximum, provided the resource in question has no outstanding requests.
Clients are welcome to borrow up to 3 books/videos at once, and return/exchange at any time before to the due date.
Please let us know prior to your appointment if there are any resources you are interested in borrowing, we will do our best to bring them with us if they are available.
If the book/video you want is currently lent out, we will place a request on it and notify you when it is returned.
We are always happy to accept donations for our lending library, if you have a helpful book that you don't need any more, just let us know!
Check back often, we are always adding more!
Asterisks: Books with one* we have read, and two** are our highly recommended. (Books without asterisks are those on our BIG stack of "to be read soon"!)
General Health and Wellness
The Little Herb Encyclopedia 3rd edition - Jack Ritchason, N.D.
*The Seven Directions Movement Meditation - White Feather
General Women's Health and Spirituality
*Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom - Christine Northrup, M.D.
**Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year - Susun S Weed
**Down There: Sexual and Reproductive Health the Wise Woman Way - Susun S Weed
**Wise Woman Herbal: Healing Wise - Susun S Weed
Breast Cancer? Breast Health! - Susun S Weed
New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way - Susun S Weed
The No-Hysterectomy Option - Herbert A Goldfarb, MD, FACOG, & Judith Greif, RN, FNP, C
*Natural Choices for Women's Health - Dr. Laurie Steelsmith
*Women's Anatomy of Arousal - Sheri Winston, CNM, RN, BSN, LMT
Ix Chel Wisdom - Shonagh Home
Songs of Bleeding - Spider
Moon Rites: A Feminine Path to Personal Power - Michelle Royce
The Grandmother of Time - Zsuzsanna E. Budapest
The Holy Book of Women's Mysteries - Zsuzsanna E. Budapest
Fertility, Conception, and Cycle Awareness
**The Garden of Fertility - Katie Singer
Honouring Our Cycles: A Natural Family Planning Workbook - Katie Singer
**Lunaception: A Feminine Odyssey into Fertility and Conception - Louise Lacey
Natural Birth Control Made Simple - Kass-Annese & Danzer
Taking Charge of Your Fertility - Toni Weschler, MPH
The Mind-Body Fertility Connection - James Schwartz
Fertility - Dr Elizabeth Clubb & Jane Knight
Fertility Foods - Jeremy Groll, M.D. & Lorie Groll
The Infertility Cure - Randine Lewis, Ph.D.
Conscious Conception: - Jeannine Pavarti-Baker
Spirit Babies - Walter Makichen
**Moontime - Lucy H Pearce
Pregnancy & Childbirth
(2)**Ina May's Guide to Childbirth - Ina May Gaskin
(2)**Spiritual Midwifery - Ina May Gaskin (Birth stories)
Childbirth Without Fear - Grantly Dick-Read
**Obstetric Myths vs Research Realities - Henci Goer
*The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth - Henci Goer
(2)**Gentle Birth Choices with DVD- Barbara Harper, RN, CD, CCE
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering - Sarah J Buckley, MD
**Birthing from Within - Pam England, CNM, MA, & Rob Horowitz PhD
*Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn - Penny Simkin
(2)**Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year - Susun S Weed
The Homeopathic Childbirth Manual - Betty Idarius, LM, C.Hom.
Natural Mothering: a Guide to Holistic Therapies for Pregnancy, Birth and
Early Childhood - Nicky Wesson
Prepared Childbirth: The Family Way - Debby Amis & Jeanne Green
*Breathe Your Way Through Birth With Yoga - Julie Llewellyn-Thomas
*Mother Rising - Cortlund, Lucke & Watelet (Blessingways)
Body, Soul, and Baby - Tracy W. Gaudet, M.D.
*Cut, Stapled, & Mended: When one woman reclaimed her body and gave birth on her own terms after Cesarean - Roanna Rosewood
The Essential C-section Guide - Maureen Connolly smd Dana Sullivan
Caesarean Birth: A Positive Approach to Preparation and Recovery - Leigh East
*The Birth Keepers
*Unassisted Birth - Laura Kapersef
Pursuing the Birth Machine - Marsden Wagner
*Writing Your Birth Plan
Six Practical Lessons for an Easier Childbirth - Elisabeth Bing
Planning Your Pregnancy and Birth 3rd edition - The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Obstetrics Illustrated 5th edition - Miller & Hanretty
*From Here Through Maternity 2010 - Alberta Health Services
Emergency Childbirth: A Manual - Gregory J. White, MD
Dr Sears: The Birth Book - Sears
*Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way - Susan McCutcheon
*HypnoBirthing - Marie F. Mongan, M.Ed., M. Hy.
(2) **The Birth Partner - Penny Simkin
The Doula Book
The Nurturing Touch at Birth: A Labor Support Handbook - Paulina Pereg
(2) **The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding 6th and 8th editions - La Leche League
*The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers - Jack Newman, MD, &
Teresa Pitman
The Nursing Mother's Companion 4th edition - Kathleen Huggins, RN, MS
*Mothering Your Nursing Toddler - Norma Jane Bumgarner
Milk, Money, and Madness: The Culture and Politics of Breastfeeding - Naomi Baumslag, MD, MPH, & Dia Michels
Babies, Children, Parenting
**The Continuum Concept - Jean Liedloff
*Mothering Your Nursing Toddler - Norma Jane Bumgarner
*Dr Sears: The Baby Book - Sears
Dr Sears: The Premature Baby Book - Sears
The Crying Baby - Sheila Kitzinger
The No-Cry Sleep Solution - Elizabeth Pantley
*Growing Miracles 3rd edition - Alberta Health Services
Vaccination: The Medical Assault on the Immune System - Viera Scheibner PhD
Immunization: History, Ethics, Law, and Health - Catherine J.M. Diodati, MA
Baby Massage - Dr Alan Heath & Nicki Bainbridge
Green Babies, Sage Moms: the Ultimate Guide to Raising Your Organic Baby - Lynda Fassa
I Lost Everything in the Postnatal Depression - Erma Bombeck
The Family Bed - Tine Thevenin
*Teach Your Baby to Sign - Monica Beyer
*Baby Sign Language (with DVD) - Teresa R Simpson
Baby Signs - Linda Acredolo, PhD, & Susan Goodwyn, PhD
*Baby Signing 123 - Nancy Cadjan
The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care - Sally Fallon Morell & Thomas S Cowan, MD
*New Vegetarian Baby - Sharon K Yntema & Christine H Beard
The No-Cry Potty Training Solution - Elizabeth Plantley
Early Start Potty Training - Linda Sonna PhD
Natural Mothering: a Guide to Holistic Therapies for Pregnancy, Birth and Early Childhood - Nicky Wesson
The Book of Nurturing: Nine Natural Laws for Enriching Your Family Life- Linda and Richard Eyre
Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason - Alfie Kohn
Positive Discipline: The First Three Years - Jane Nelson, ED.D, Cheryl Erwin, MA, Roslyn Ann Duffy
The Happiest Toddler on the Block - Harvey Karp M.D.
Indigo Children - Lee Carroll & Jan Tober
VHS *Birth Into Being: The Russian Waterbirth Experience
(2) DVD **Relaxation, Rhythm, Ritual: the 3Rs of Childbirth - Penny Simkin
DVD **Comfort Measures - Penny Simkin
DVD *Born in Water: a Sacred Journey
DVD **Birth As We Know It
DVD **Orgasmic Birth
DVD *Organic Birth
DVD *Business of Being Born
DVD Birth Day
DVD A Breech in the System
DVD *Birth in Action
DVD **Guerilla Midwife
CD *Gentle Surge: Hypnobirthing music
*Replacement Policy for lost or damaged items: If the product should be misplaced (considered so after 30 days overdue, or as reported) or severly damaged, the replacement fee (cover price unless otherwise noted) will be deducted from the responsible client's $40 membership deposit. If the product is worth more than the membership, we will charge the difference to the client's account. In order for a client to remain in good standing and able to continue to borrow resources from our library, the replacement fee must be settled and a full $40 membership repurchased. It is our descretion to change ourmembership policy at any time as needed and withhold membership from clients who misuse our